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Basingstoke Housing Options

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Housing options



Welcome to Housing Options Online

Data Protection and Collection of Information.

We will use the information collected on this form to design your personal action plan and to give you specific housing and additional support options.

All personal data held on computer is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 and treated with confidentiality. It will only be divulged to those housing organisations who are users of the scheme.

We must protect the public funds we handle and may use the information you have provided to prevent and detect fraud. We may also share this information, for the same purposes, with other organisations that handle public funds. We may also share personal information with other departments in the council, where there is a legitimate reason to do so.

You have the right of access to the information the council holds about you. To request this, pleasewrite to Data Protection Officer, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke, RG21 4AH.

Why not just wait for a Social Housing tenancy

Social Housing is in great demand and often people can wait a long time before bidding successfully. Housing options are the alternatives to Social Housing that may make it easy and quicker for you to move house.

What housing options are available?

There are lots of different options available but they are not suitable for everyone. Using this online tool you will be able to see which options are suitable for you. Some of the available options include:

  • Shared ownership
  • Mutual Exchange
  • Social Housing
  • Sheltered housing
  • Private rented

Additional Support

There are a number of agencies offering various support services throughout the Borough.  Click here to access a list of services which may be relevant to you.

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